Sometimes you don’t just want a great burger, you want a great BIG burger, and what better way to get your fill of both, than with my guide to London’s biggest burgers.
The Thirsty Bear: Goldiehops and the Three Grizzly Bears
The Thirsty Bear offers up a twist in the burger challenge stakes - not one but THREE burgers need to be taken down, along with two portions of chips, and two pints of Meantime Pale Ale.
The burgers themselves are no walk in the park. Each contains 1.5 lb of meat. They’re each triple stacked with beef patties, and then topped with pulled pork. That's 4.5 pounds of burger to finish in just one hour! If you finish it, you get to eat for free, but if not, your reward is to fork out £60 for the whole lot. I’d suggest you come hungry.
The Thirsty Bear is a pub on Stamford Street, near Waterloo train station.
Mother Flipper: The 30oz Burger
From street food outfit Mother Flipper comes this 30oz cheese and beef-laden goliath. It’s made of ten 3oz smashed patties (100% English chuck) with American cheese melted onto every layer. It's sandwiched between a standard sized glazed brioche bun and garnished with Mother Flipper's usual cheeseburger sauce, salad, and gherkins. Ten rashers of candy bacon can be added to make this monster even more intimidating. Make sure you stock up on the napkins before you attempt it!
Mother Flipper frequent Brockley Market on Saturdays, and can also be found at a number of other street food events.

Burger Bear is a regular at Red Market, Old Street, and he's created a five-patty monster burger challenge. It's called the Burger Bear's Picnic and will cost you a very reasonable £20. In the words of Burger Bear’s founder, Tom: "To the winner - eternal food glory, t-shirt, free meal, and your picture on the famewall." And of course to the loser, you have to pay for it and live with the fact that you weren’t able to finish the whole burger.
The burger itself is simply an augmented version of the regular Burger Bear Grizzly Bear burger, which incorporates double oak-smoked bacon, homemade bacon jam, creamy American-style cheese, and a great beef patty. The beef is a blend of chuck steak and rib cap giving it a great fat content and meaning the burger is super-juicy. The Burger Bear Picnic is all the above multiplied by five!
Burger bear serves his burgers from Red Market near Old Street, and also at a number of other street food events.
Have you ever completed a big burger challenge? Tweet us! @Groupon_UK #grouponguide
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