The Animal Experience, Stretham

The Animal Experience, Stretham5
4 reviews

About The Animal Experience

A family-run assortment of reptilian rascals and their furry and feathered friends, The Animal Experience has been rescuing, re-homing and caring for an extensive range of exotic animals for the last 18 years. With hand-tame creatures, and insured and CRB-checked staff, they aim to create parties, kids' clubs and functions that give individuals the opportunity to gain a hands-on experience with an array of different animals.

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Groupon Customer Reviews

4 Groupon Ratings
100% Verified Reviews

All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.

7 Ratings
7 Reviews
· 11 months ago
I did this experience several years ago and loved it so was pleased to do it again but with my son this time. Good value for money. Very lovely staff.