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About This Deal
Best Price Guarantee If you find a better price somewhere else, let us know. We’ll cover the difference, worry free. See full details at
What's included: two or four 14-inch pizzas, choice of drink, and one-hour pool game
Day validity: Monday - Sunday
Monday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Tuesday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Wednesday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Thursday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Friday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Saturday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Sunday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am)
Choice of pizza may include: spicy beef | crispy chicken | bacon sausage | mushroom | pepperoni
Choice of drink may include: house beer | cider | soft drink | wine
50p surcharge for extra toppings.
Fine Print
Redemption required online at, provide Groupon codes. 24-hour cancellation notice required. Same-day reservations are accepted if available. 50p surcharge for extra toppings. Not valid during the Edinburgh Festival. Valid 7 days a week, Monday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am), Tuesday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am), Wednesday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am), Thursday 4pm-10pm (Bar 1am), Friday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am), Saturday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am),
Sunday 12pm-10pm (Bar 1am) Must provide 18+ ID to receive alcoholic beverages Expires 4 months after purchase. Limit 1 per person(s), may buy 5 additional as gift(s). Valid only for option purchased. Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or other discounts.