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Radio Frequency Skin Tightening: it Works and Is Safe, an effective anti-aging treatment,no downtime or post-treatment skin care.
Radio Frequency Skin Tightening can help you to turn back the clock to restore your skins bounce and youthfulness. There are many benefits to this procedure, including:
Improved Skin Laxity
Increased Collagen and Elastin Production
Improved Blood Circulation for Healthier Skin
Reduction in Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Increased Firmness of Jawline and jowls
Reduction in Cellulite and Stretch Marks
RF skin tightening stands for radio frequency skin tightening. This method is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure, which is able to tackle signs of aging as well as blemishes and irregularities.
Skin tightening procedures with radio frequency can tackle various areas of the body. They can also perform a number of functions. Since they promote the production and function of collagen and elastin, they can be used for body contouring, face contouring, the removal of sun damage, eliminating fine lines and wrinkles, reducing cellulite and stretch marks, and even firming loose skin.
This procedure involves moving a handheld device over the affected area which will emit radio frequency wavelengths into the skin to heat and trigger the body's natural healing response and stimulate collagen production. The result is healthier, plumper, and more youthful skin without the need for any downtime.
Once again, this depends on the particular problem you are having. Some people need only three treatments over the course of time, while others need more than six. At the end of the day, it depends on the problem you want to fix.
Some problems such as deeper acne scarring usually require more treatments than certain sun damage spots. An appointment with the will provide you with more insight on how many treatments will be required.
Dorset Salt Therapy, part of Fountain of Youth MC, is a Bournemouth clinic providing a wide array of therapies and services. These range from salt therapy, also known as halotherapy, to the likes of microdermabrasion and technology-assisted hair removal. Counselling is also on offer.