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Receive a chiropractic exam designed to try to help find potential causes of various aches and pains, followed by an optional treatment
£18 for a chiropractic consultation with X-ray provided if required (55% off)
£29 for a chiropractic consultation and one treatment with X-ray provided if required (62% off)
45-minute initial consultation including a case history and physical examination (orthopeadic and neurological tests) followed up by a verbal report of findings
Includes an X-ray if required
Designed to target the likes of back and joint pain, headaches, frozen shoulder and more
Option available to include one treatment session based on findings
Supported by over two decades' experience, the team at Finchley Back Care Centre boasts a strong body of professional knowledge. They bend over backwards to try and educate clients in the ways of wellbeing, equipping them with tools to forge a happier physical future. Resting behind a Victorian redbrick façade, the clinic is found a short walk from Finchley Central tube station and several other transport links.