Aspiring musicians can get their demo recording done with the help of a professional producer on this recording studio experience session
Groupon Customer Reviews
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All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.About This Deal
- What's included: one- or two-hour song recording experience with a professional producer for up to two people; complimentary CD of the recorded songs included
Please note that the availability of this service will be affected by Government-mandated lockdowns.
Fine Print
Limit 1 per person or two people, may buy up to 5 additional as gift. Mandatory online booking required. Check availability here and book here. 48-hour cancellation policy. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times. £2 per CD for additional CDs. May be repurchased every 30 days. Valid on option purchased only. Valid for 4 months. Valid 7 days a week.
About Gadget Studios
Located in central London, Gadget Studios is a professional recording studio offering its services to aspiring artists and budding groups. They specialise in musical services ranging from recording to mixing, and mastering and offer pop star experiences for people of all ages and abilities to try to step into the shoes of their musical heroes.