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A Place in the Sun Live 2024, September 20 - 22, NEC National Exhibition Centre, 2 for 1 Tickets

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Experience the excitement of A Place In The Sun Live 2024. Discover the latest trends and opportunities in the overseas property market

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About This Deal

A Place in the Sun Live is the official exhibition of the Channel 4 TV show and the largest overseas property exhibition in Europe - and it’s coming back to NEC Birmingham from the 20th-22nd September 2024.

At the show, a huge array of overseas agents with thousands of properties will help you make your dream of owning abroad come true. In addition, the show features a range of service companies that can provide expert advice on legal, tax, healthcare, financial, currency transfer, mortgages, visa and residency, and relocation matters.

The doors will be open from 10am - 5pm daily (4pm Sunday).

A World of Properties

Agents from Spain, Portugal, France, Cyprus, Greece, Florida, Montenegro, Turkey, Tanzania and many more popular locations will be at the show with a huge selection of properties for you to see. Holiday homes, rental potential, businesses, or the permanent move overseas you've been dreaming of - they'll all be there!

Essential Information

Whatever stage you’re at in your property search – from it being a dream to taking the plunge – the show is packed with essential information. We have seminars, presentations, discussions, and 'Meet the Buyers' as well as experts who live and work in the countries you're interested in who can help you with your research.

Meet the Presenters & Buyers

Meet the A Place in the Sun Presenters - Jasmine Harman and Laura Hamilton. As well as those who have bought after being on the TV series and find out 'straight from the horse's mouth' what the journey can be like. Want to be on the next series? Take part in a screen test and maybe you could be on the show!

Get Expert Advice

With lawyers, tax experts and our own currency team all at the show with the most up-to-date information there is, it really does have all the information and expert advice you need to help make the right decisions. There's no better opportunity to speak to so many experts in one day!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Fine Print

Validity: Valid on date and time specified on Groupon only.
Purchase: Multiple vouchers per person can be redeemed or purchased as a gift
Restrictions: No booking required. Present printed Groupon on arrival. 14-day cancellation rights do not apply; no refunds or exchanges permitted. For step-free access please contact the venue directly before purchase. Valid on option purchased only.

About A Place in the Sun Live 2024

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