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Audiences can see an international collection of daring and high-flying acts, including the Globe of Death at this animal-free circus

Groupon Customer Reviews

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About This Deal

  • What’s included: one (1) grandstand ticket to Circus Berlin
  • Valid for unreserved seating
  • Where and when:
    • Paignton Green, Esplanade Road, Paignton, Torbay TQ4 6BG: 5 - 30 August 2022
    • Central Park Plymouth, Outland Road, Plymouth PL2 3DF: 2 - 18 September 2022

Circus Berlin

This amalgamation of circus acts from all four corners of the globe with music and youthful energy is visiting the UK as part of its European tour. In an age where so much entertainment is unreal, made up of special effects, CGI, this live show aims to amaze with the sheer reality of incredible feats and skill, such as dancers performing acts with unique twists, aerial straps, cloud swing, hula hoop, comedy trampoline, juggling and the death-defying Globe of Death.

Fine Print

Validity: Valid on date and time specified on Groupon only.
Purchase: Limit 1 per person. May buy 9 additional as gifts.
Restrictions: No booking required. Present printed Groupon on arrival. 14-day cancellation rights do not apply; no refunds or exchanges permitted. Unreserved seating tickets in the grandstand area. For step-free access, please contact and purchase from the venue directly. Valid on option purchased only.

If the event is cancelled due to an event outside of the merchant's control (including any recommendations from the Ministry of Health), Groupon will reimburse you the money you have paid for the voucher. If the event is postponed Groupon will only reimburse you if you request a refund.

About Circus Berlin

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