Party in a cloud of colourful powder as live acts from the world of pop, house and dance music provide a live soundtrack
About This Deal
The Deal
- Two tickets to Holi Festival of Colours
- When: Saturday 12 September at midday
- Where: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford
- Ticket values include all fees
Holi Festival of Colours
Inspired by the Indian Holi festival, Holi Festival of Colours brings colour and music to Olympic Park this September. Eschewing the original festival’s religious tones in favour of a celebration of colour in general, participants are encouraged to arrive wearing white before letting coloured powder fly in a rainbow-hued cloud. The colourful powder is available for purchase on the day. A varied line-up of musicians includes Boys Noize, K-Paul and DSharp while Booka Shade will be on-hand to perform a DJ set.
Holi Festival of Colours has attracted over 150,000 for London and 2.5 million globally Facebook likes and more than 12,000 Twitter followers to date.
Details verified 21 July 2015.
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Fine Print
Purchase: Limit 1 per 2 people. May buy 9 additional as gifts.
Booking: Present printed groupon on arrival. No cancellations, refunds or exchanges permitted.
Restrictions: Valid midday-10pm. Must be 18 or older. Full wheelchair access available.
Original values: Based on early bird ticket. Verified using our merchant's website on 15 Jul 2015.