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Guests can improve the wellbeing of their body and spirit at this event with talks and exhibitions from experts in yoga, meditation and more

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About This Deal

After purchasing this deal, you'll need to visit the website listed on your voucher to complete redemption.

  • Two (2) tickets to Mind Body Spirit Festival
  • When: 15 - 17 April 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. | 18 April 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Where: Olympia, Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UX

Mind Body Spirit

Founded in 1977 by Graham Wilson, the Mind Body Spirit Festival’s goal is to help people discover the spirit within and open themselves up to new possibilities. This longest-running event of its kind brings together authorities, best-selling authors, pioneers and organisations from such diverse areas as eco-living, natural health, complementary medicine, alternative technology, spirituality, and personal growth. It is a great occasion to share ideas, beliefs and philosophies.

Fine Print

Validity: Valid on date and time specified on Groupon only.
Purchase: Limit 1 per 2 people. May buy 9 additional as gifts.
Restrictions: Online
1. Book at Eventbrite.
2. Select 'Tickets'
3. Click 'Enter promo code' on the booking page and enter your Groupon Voucher Code. Click on 'Apply' and follow the online instructions to complete ticket redemption. Eventbrite e-ticket will be sent on the email provided.
4. Present the ticket on arrival at the event. 14-day cancellation rights do not apply; no refunds or exchanges permitted. For step-free access please contact the venue directly before purchase. Valid on option purchased only.

If the event is cancelled due to an event outside of the merchant's control (including any recommendations from the Ministry of Health), Groupon will reimburse you the money you have paid for the voucher. If the event is postponed Groupon will only reimburse you if you request a refund.

About Mind Body Spirit

Mind Body Spirit

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