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Horrible Science 20-Book Collection for £19.98 (50% Off)

Horrible Science 20-Book Set

No Longer Available

In a Nutshell

These Horrible Science books are designed to get children interested in science by concentrating on the trivial, unusual or unpleasant

Product Details

Today’s Groupon offers a Horrible Science 20-book collection for £19.98.

Titles in the Set

  • Sounds Dreadful
  • Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens
  • Terrible Truth About Time
  • Vicious Veg
  • Painful Poison
  • Microscopic Monsters
  • Killer Energy
  • Frightening Light
  • Fight for Flight
  • Angry Animals
  • Evolve or Die
  • Disgusting Digestion
  • Deadly Diseases
  • Chemical Chaos
  • Bulging Brains
  • Blood, Bones and Body Bits
  • Fatal Forces
  • Shocking Electricity
  • NastyNature
  • Ugly Bugs

Sounds Dreadful

How can a single sound shatter glass? Why are farts so noisy? Which sound waves make your guts wobble? Get the awful answers in Sounds Dreadful!

Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens

Why does space make the guts explode? Which astronomers killed people? What does the moon smell like? Get the awful answers in Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens!

Terrible Truth About Time

Find out what happens if you go too close to a black hole and how flies tell the time.

Vicious Veg

How do plants suck out the insides of dead insects? Why do stinging nettles like skeletons? Which fungi can make your toes drop off? Get the awful answers in Vicious Veg!

Painful Poison

Discover how can to turn a brother into a zombie slave and why you are breathing poison right now.

Microscopic Monsters

What makes your guts a brilliant home for bacteria? Which creature lays its eggs between your toes? Why is your toothbrush covered in germs? Get the awful answers in Microscopic Monsters!

Killer Energy

Fans will love all the gory details of why space loos spray out frozen pee and which chilling chemical can preserve pets!

Frightening Light

What stops your eyeballs from falling out? Why can dead bodies make ghostly glowing lights? How can a laser beam sizzle human flesh? Get the awful answers in frightening Light!

Fight for Flight

The Fearsome Fight for Flight will send you sky-high. Are you in a flap to discover who put a parachute on a puppy, why scientists fire dead birds from a cannon or what happened to the world’s first flying sheep? If you think you can stomach the sick side of Science, then read on as we go plane crazy. Laugh at some seriously silly flying stunts!

Angry Animals

Take a walk on the wild side with Angry Animals Dare you to discover who made false teeth for an elephant, where can you find dragons with bad breath and which scientist ate a poisonous snake for dinner! If you think you can stomach the sick side of Science, then read on!

Evolve or Die

Why are mutating mosquitoes man’s worst enemy? Which dinosaurs let loose some deafening farts? Why do rabbits eat their own poo?

Disgusting Digestion

What disease makes your eyes bleed? Why can’t astronauts eat beans before a space flight? Which part of your brain makes you throw up? Get the awful answers in Disgusting Digestion!

Deadly Diseases

What happened when a nurse drank diarrhoea? Why does deadly cholera make your skin turn blue? Which scientist used eyeballs as food for bacteria? Get the awful answers in Deadly Diseases!

Chemical Chaos

Why aren’t glass eyes really made of glass? What would make the worst stink bomb ever? How do you make your own toothpaste? Get the awful answers in Chemical Chaos!

Bulging Brains

Science with the squishy bits left in! Why aren’t glass eyes really made of glass? What would make the worst stink bomb every? How do you make your own toothpaste? Get the awful answers in Chemical Chaos!

Blood, Bones and Body Bits

Science with the squishy bits left in! Where does your food go? What happens when a boil bursts? Which animals live in your eyelashes? Get the awful answers in Blood, Bones and Body Bits!

Fatal Forces

Why do your ears stop you falling off your bike? How can a little bit of gravity make you lose your head? What can make your fillings explode? Get the awful answers in Fatal Forces!

Shocking Electricity

Which scientist gave electric shocks to his eyeballs? How can an electric eel give you a nasty shock? Why does electricity keep your heart beating? Get the awful answers in Shocking Electricity!

Nasty Nature

Why do vultures have bald heads? What kind of frog lives in a toilet? How do vampire bats slurp blood? Get the awful answers in Nasty Nature!

Ugly Bugs

What do slugs do with their slime? Why do flies throw up on your tea? How do insects drink your blood? Get the awful answers in Ugly Bugs!

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Original value: Based on online price as sold by Bangzo, checked on 05.12.2016.
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