Rebalance Your Hormones with Food and Lifestyle so you can look and feel amazing from the inside out, once and for all!
About This Deal
Some of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:
- weight gain
- unexplained, and sometimes sudden, weight management
- fatigue
- muscle weakness
- muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness
- pain, stiffness, or swelling in your joints
- increased or decreased heart rate
- sweating
- increased sensitivity to cold or heat
- constipation or more frequent bowel movements
- decreased sex drive
- depression
- nervousness, anxiety, or irritability
- thinning hair or fine, brittle hair
- dry skin
- puffy face
- rounded face
Some of the more dangerous long term health conditions which can arise as a result of hormonal imbalance are:
- Infertility
- PMS and cramps
- Cancer (Breast, Prostate, Ovarian, Testicular etc)
- Polycistic Ovary Syndrome
- Erectyle Disfunction
- Diabetes
- Thyroid Issues
This is not a matter to take lightly. The good news is that nutrition and lifestyle play a key role and have a powerful and direct impact on our hormones. By understanding this link you will be able to implement effective new strategies that will help you reverse or prevent these issues.