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About This Deal
What’s included: choice of hairstyling package
Available packages may include:
Wash, cut and blow-dry
Root colour with a wash, cut and blow-dry
T-section highlights with a wash, cut and blow-dry
Half-head of highlights or full head of colour with cut and blow dry
£7 surcharge for long hair longer than shoulder blade paid to the salon directly.
£10 surcharge for toner application paid to the salon directly.
Fine Print
24-hour cancellation notice required. Appointment required, contact by phone at 07717884276; provide Groupon code. Present Groupon on arrival. £7 surcharge for long hair longer than shoulder blade paid to the salon directly. £10 surcharge for toner application paid to the salon directly. Limit 1 per person(s), may buy 2 additional as gift(s). Valid only for option purchased. Expires 4 months after purchase. Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or other discounts.