Patrons enjoy Ipanema Platter with an optional drink Caipirinha cocktail at Ipanema Restaurant And Bar
Groupon Customer Reviews
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Type of food: Brazillian
What's included: Ipanema Platter consists of Picanha steak, smoked calabresa, fried chicken on the bone, Brazilian arancini, fries, vinagrete salsa, garlic mayo
Caipirinha cocktail : Strawberry Caipirinha, Passion fruit Caipirinha, Mango Caipirinha or Classic Caipirinha
Day Validity: Check via Groupon Booking Tool
Fine Print
same day appointments accepted. No cancellations. Show voucher on arrival. walk-ins are not accepted. Must be 18 + for Caipirinha cocktails. **Online reservation required**. Book your date while you purchase. Or check availability
and book after your purchase from My Stuff. 14-day cancellation rights do not apply to booked vouchers. Menu may be modified for seasonality and availability. Expires 90 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person(s), may buy 2 additional as gift(s). Valid only for option purchased.