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Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Over 16's only; under 18's must be accompanied by an adult. Colon Hydrotherapy should NOT be considered if you suffer from any of the following conditions: ABDOMINAL HERNIA ABDOMINAL SURGERY ABNORMAL DISTENSION/ MASSES ACUTE LIVER FAILURE ANEMIA ANEURYSM CARCINOMA CARDIAC CONDITIONS UNCONTROLLED HYPERTENSION CHROHNS DISEASE / ULCERATIVE COLITIS DIALYSIS PATIENTS DIVERTICULITIS FISSURES/ FISTULAS HEMORRHAGING HEMORRHOIDECTOMY INTESTINAL PERFORATION LUPUS PREGNANCY RECTAL SURGERY RENAL INSUFFICIENCIES Also if you are taking prescription medication for ANY condition diagnosed by a GP you should check with your GP to ensure the medication will not be interfered with by the additional water intake and absorption. Booking required. Location Restrictions: Applicable to Leicester clinic only. New customers only. Validity Times: Monday - Friday 10am - 7pm, Last appointment of the day is 6pm. 24 hour cancellation policy.The treatment duration is 50 minutes.

About Kerala Ayurveda Clinic Leicester

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