
Currently Unavailable

Kids Play Bus

3 Palmer Avenue, Aylesbury

Kids Play Bus: Party For Up to Eight Children for £45 (63% Off)

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The play bus will come to customers, and has a variety of soft play features such as a ball pit and twisty slide inside

About This Deal

The Deal

Birthdays can be planned with ease, as the Kids Play Bus will roll up to wherever customers need it to be for an hour of play. Up to eight children can join the party, and the bus features a ball pit, a slide, and a giant noughts and crosses.

The Merchant

The Kids Play Bus is a mobile party venue, allowing parents to organise their children’s birthdays without having to take a group of kids from point A to point B. The bus has a variety of soft play features inside, including a ball pit and a giant noughts and crosses, ensuring there is plenty to keep kids occupied and safe

Fine Print

Validity: Expires 90 days after purchase.
Purchase: Limit 1 per 8 children. May buy multiple as gifts.
Booking: Required 7 days in advance by phone or email to No cancellation.
Restrictions: Valid Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. Limited availability Sat-Sun. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Socks must be worn on the play frame. Nylon-free trousers and long-sleeved shirts recommended. Max. height 148cm. £8 surcharge per additional child; £60 for addition hour. Valid for 60 min of soft play. £1.50 surcharge per mile if the distance is over 5 miles from HP19 Original values: Verified using merchant’s website on 14 July 2014.
See the rules that apply to all deals.

About Kids Play Bus

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