Three hours of one-to-one maths tuition with a tutor, available for GCSE and A-levels, with an option for lessons with a friend
About This Deal
What's included: online one-to-one tutoring sessions at a chosen level
Target grade at GCSE maths
- Personal SWOT analysis
- Three hours of one-to-one tuition over Zoom
- Nine mock exam papers
A-level maths
- Personal SWOT analysis
- Three hours of one-to-one tuition over Zoom
- Six mock exam papers
Learn maths with a mate or peer
- Two personal SWOT analyses
- Three hours of 1 to 1 tuition over Zoom
- Mock exam papers
The personal SWOT analysis is a technique for judging a person's condition and finding out the issues that they face, along with the opportunities they have. Namely: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Customer will receive a Zoom link and a meeting ID and password
Fine Print
Book online at https://spikeyu.com/nlr. May be cancelled at any time. Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Valid on option purchased only. Valid for 3 months.