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Hampden Foot Clinic - Glasgow

533 Duke Street, Glasgow

Chiropody Treatment, Dermojet Verruca Treatment or Biomechanical Assessment at Hampden Foot Clinic (Up to 44% Off)

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A biomechanical assessment seeks to counter misaligned foot structures, while a chiropody treatment gets rid of corns and calluses

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About This Deal

Choose Between Two Options

  • £23 for a chiropody or podiatry treatment with foot massage (41% off)
  • £25 for a Dermojet or biomechanical assessment (up to 44% off)

  • A chiropody treatment usually involves trimming nails and removing hard skin. Corns and calluses are removed, and thickened, fungal or ingrown nails, as well as verrucas, are treated. The treatment is followed by a foot massage performed using a natural foot salve, and a blend of grape seed, tea tree and lemon oil is applied to the nails.

  • A Dermojet verruca treatment starts with an examination to confirm the diagnosis of a verruca. The podiatrists then numbs the skin with a local anaesthetic and, using a dry needling technique, will aim to create an inflammatory response, thus triggering an immune system reaction from within the verruca tissue.

  • A biomechanical assessment is designed to address recurring foot pain, lower back pain, hip pain or knee pain, which may be caused by misalignment within the basic structure of the foot. The podiatrist will asses the client’s body posture, the foot and leg function, and the position, alignment and movement in the joints, also addressing shoe choice and gait.

Fine Print

Expires 90 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Mandatory booking required. Check availability and book here. 48-hour cancellation policy. Patients are encouraged to seek independent medical advice before embarking on invasive surgery. If unsuitable for treatment a full refund will be provided. Therapist-client confidentiality privileges apply excluding intent to harm. Includes consultation. Only valid at 533 Duke Street, Glasgow branch. Valid for option purchased only. Verified using our Merchant's website on 7 Jun 2016.

About The Hampden Foot Clinic - Glasgow

The podiatrists at the Hampden Foot Clinic offer services ranging from simple corn and callus removal to the more complicated procedures, such as the treatment of verrucas or ingrown nails, as well as biomechanical assessments addressing back, hip or knee pain. The Clinic also provides custom treatments for diabetics, as well as foot massages performed with natural products.

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