Trained technician provides laser treatments to remove unwanted hair without damaging the skin
About This Deal
What does laser hair removal involve? Laser hair removal aims to reduce unwanted hair on specific parts of the body. Chosen areas are exposed to specially developed laser technology, which is designed to target the hair-inducing melanin found in follicles.
What happens at the sessions? The first session will begin with a consultation, followed by the first treatment.
What areas can be targeted?
Small area: Upper lip, Chin, Sides, Jawline, Nose, Ears, Forehead, Cheeks, Neck, Bikini line, Nipples, Navel, Peri-Anal, Hands, Feet
Medium Area: Full Face, Hollywood & Peri-anal, Under Arms, Buttocks
Large: Lower Legs, Lower Arms, Upper Arms, Chest, Abdomen, Lower Back, Upper Back
Extra Large: Full Legs, Full Front, Full Back, Full Arms inc Shoulders
Fine Print
✏️ Book Patch test: 48 hour before appointment. Book Patch test: 48 hour before appointment
✘ Must be 18 or older. 24-hour cancellation notice required. 48-hour advance booking notice required.
⛔️ Expires 120 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person(s), may buy 3 additional as gift(s). Consultation included; full refund if found unsuitable. Valid only for option purchased.
✘ Customers with sensitive skin may wish to consider their suitability before purchase. Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding people. No open cuts or contagious skin complaints. Valid for the following treatment areas: Small area: Upper lip, Chin, Sides, Jawline, Nose, Ears, Forehead, Cheeks, Neck, Bikini line, Nipples, Navel, Peri-Anal, Hands, Feet Medium Area: Full Face, Hollywood & Peri-anal, Under Arms, Buttocks Large: Lower Legs, Lower Arms, Upper Arms, Chest, Abdomen, Lower Back, Upper Back Extra Large: Full Legs, Full Front, Full Back, Full Arms incl. Shoulders.
About Venus Beauty
Venus Beauty strives to beautify clients' natural looks with a range of aesthetic services. Treatments on offer include facials, microdermabrasion, cellulite reduction and skin brightening. Massages are also available to help clients relax and unwind.