Customers can make their hair look revitalised with a wash, cut and blow-dry with conditioning mask
Groupon Customer Reviews
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All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.About This Deal
Vouchers are limited to one per person
What’s included: wash, cut and blow-dry with a conditioning hair mask
Full head colour with cut and finish (scalp bleach or vivd colours not included)
half head foils with cut and finish (balayage not included)
only valid Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Additional fees may apply depending on hair length, texture, and density. Vouchers are limited to one per person, and are only valid on Wednesday and Thursdays. Not valid for December appointments.
Fine Print
Expires 4 months after purchase. Limit 1 per person. Booking required at least 12 hours in advance, please call 07782648103; provide Groupon code. Same day appointments accepted. Present Groupon on arrival. 24-hour cancellation policy. Must be 18 or older. Additional fees may apply depending on hair length, texture, and density. Valid Wed-Thu 9am-5.30pm. Valid for option purchased only.