Participants will be have a weapon each to battle live zombies. Will you complete your mission and survive? As seen on TV.
Groupon Customer Reviews
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All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.About This Deal
Ages 16 and above.
Valid for all locations including -
Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester, Durham, Leicester, York, Derby and more
Fine Print
Not valid for redemption if you have any of the following health conditions: Heart Problems, Pregnant. Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding people. Includes safety briefing. Provide information on booking. No cancellations. Online redemption only. Limited availability on weekends. Must sign waiver. Subject to availability. Registration required, email contact@zombieuprising.co.uk and provide your voucher code, to register for the course. Must wear sensible footwear. Expires 90 days after purchase. Voucher is non-transferable. May be repurchased every 30 days.