Our technician aims to deliver long-lasting results tailored to your needs.
About This Deal
Scar camouflage tattoos are long-term solutions for camouflaging scarring, achieved through the infusion of pigment into scar tissues.
Using prescriptive colours and the highest-quality equipment, Tracey will skillfully implant colour pixels into your scar, mimicking your skin tone and blending your scar.
Tracey can also smooth and relax scars with irregular texture by using digital needling to generate micro-trauma to the skin. This stimulates the bodys wound-healing response, leaving your scar tissue less taut and more even.
Fine Print
About Cosmetinks
Semi-permanent makeup (spmu) is cosmetic tattooing. The specialised techniques used for semi-permanent cosmetics are often referred to as “micropigmentation” or “dermagraphics”. The cosmetic implantation technique deposits coloured pigment into the upper reticular layer of the dermis.
During the procedure droplets of pigment are placed into the dermal layer of your skin. Anything deposited in the epidermis, which is your upper exfoliating layer will eventually exfoliate. This happens during the healing process. The initial exfoliation starts about three days after the tattooing. Tiny particles of normally shedding skin flake off carrying some colour. This is why your tattoo can lighten up to 20-30% during the healing process. It may take three to six weeks for the finished result to be “settled in”.