Enjoy a 45 minute Deep Tissue massage or Sports Massage along with a complimentary 10 minute consultation from a qualified therapist!
About This Deal
What is Sports Massage?
Sports massage is a specific type of massage generally used for people who are involved with significant amounts of physical activity or whom play sport quite often. Using this type of massage, a therapist can manipulate muscular tissue and other structures (i.e Tendons, Ligaments, Fascia, Skin).
The of the benefits of Sports Massage include:
• Scar tissue breakdown
• Increased blood flow and circulation
• Reduce swelling
• Increased flexibility and range of motion
• As well as many psychological benefits
Ultimately Sports Massage is a great way to aid recovery and help the body to reach its optimum.
What is Deep Tissue Massage?
Deep tissue massage is a type of technique that involves using sustained pressure to target muscles deep below the surface of the skin. Unlike Sports Massage, it is used usually for the whole body or wider areas of the body.
By using sustained pressure, the therapist is able to produce many physiological benefits to the body such as:
• The breaking up of knots and scar tissue
• The reduction of pain
• Helping the body with lymphatic massage
• Lengthening of muscle fibres
• Removal of metabolites
DTM is also well know and proven for having great psychological benefits, strain relief being at the top of the list!
We are located inside 219 Walters Yard, Bromley, Br1 1nz