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Hopi Ear Candling
Do you suffer from conditions related to your ear, nose or throat? Hopi ear candles are an ancient and natural therapy that can offer relief from issues such as sinus problems, compacted ear wax, tinnitus and headaches.Hopi Ear Candles (Also known as Thermal Auricular Therapy) are hollow tubes made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey extracts, sage, St Johns Wort, chamomile, beta-carotene and organically grown flax. When lit, the candle acts like a chimney, causing the warm air inside it to rise and creating a vacuum at the bottom. This vacuum gently stimulates the ear, facilitating removal of excess wax and impurities. They equalise the pressure in the head and ears, making them suitable for most conditions. Secretion flow is gently stimulated and the vapour collects and removes impurities or deposits. These ear candles induce a revitalising heat upon the head and ears, which soothes, relieves and relaxes. It is important to note that the candle does not suck wax out of the ear; it stimulates the ear to eliminate the wax naturally
Ear candling is a beneficial and safe therapy It is also important that you remember that the candles are not a medication but a complementary therapy.
Hopi candles can be used for many conditions including deafness caused by excess wax, congested sinuses, irritation in the ears, ringing or noises in the ears, tinnitus, rhinitis, glue ear, colds, flu, headaches and migraines.
A proven alternative to ear syringing