Receive a spine exam designed to help find potential causes of various joint conditions, followed by two structural correction treatments
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About This Deal
- What's included: spine consultation with an examination and two structural correction treatments
- First 40-minute appointment includes: consultation | examination | digital posture analysis
- Second 40-minute appointment is a full report of findings and a first treatment session
- Third appointment is the final treatment session
What is a structural correction treatment?
A structural correction is a form of joint manipulation that is designed to help tackle various forms of spinal issues and joint conditions by restoring normal alignment to the whole skeletal frame.
What does the first session involve?
Clients receive a variety of tests to examine individual issues during a consultation. If the consultations reveal diagnosis that is unsuitable for the treatment, an onward referral will be arranged to the appropriate medical professional, and a full refund issued. Once the source of discomfort is uncovered, patients are treated with two structural correction sessions, tailored to their requirements. The sessions follow within a ten-day interval.