Master British Cleaning skills for homes, offices, and surfaces. Learn techniques, safety, and business tips. Enroll now!
Groupon Customer Reviews
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All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.About This Deal
We are providing:
- Fully online, interactive course.
- Free PDF and Hardcopy certificate
- Lifetime access
- 24/7 Online support.
- CPD Certification
- No extra fees
What you will learn in this course:
Course Modules:
- Module 01: An Introduction to the Cleaning Job
- Module 02: The Diversity of Cleaning Jobs
- Module 03: Cleaning Equipment, Products and Clothing
- Module 04: House Cleaning
- Module 05: Food Kitchen and Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
- Module 06: Bathrooms and Toilets
- Module 07: Office Cleaning
- Module 08: Cleaning External Surfaces and Areas
- Module 09: Dealing with Non-Routine Waste
- Module 10: Chemical Safety, Keyholding and Alarm Codes for Cleaners
- Module 11: Starting a Cleaning Business and Planning for it
- Module 12: Running the Business with Quality Service
- Module 13: Customer Satisfaction
- Module 14: Management of Staff
- Module 15: Marketing, Advertising and Sales
- Module 16: Expansion Management
- Module 17: Business Insurance, Tax and Additional Equipment
If you want to start the course from now on, please provide the given information. You cannot access the course until you send this information.
Redemption Process:
Provide the information:
- Name
- Course Name
- Security Code
- Attached screenshot
- Send to info@trainingexpress.org.uk
Fine Print
Expires 90 days after purchase. Redemption required online at https://trainingexpress.org.uk/redeem-voucher/, provide Groupon codes.