Highly trained and experienced hands on therapist with a holistic, patient centred and educational approach.
About This Deal
On your first osteopathic appointment you must have an initial consultation. This is where you and the practitioner will speak about your presenting complaint and physically assess your body in detail to assure you get the best help and guidance. After the consultation you will receive osteopathic treatment and advice on your issue with exercises to help manage the problem.
Osteopathic technique consists of soft tissue manipulation, stretches, joint articulation and movements, joint adjustments and trigger points to help give you a holistic and advanced form of treatment for your body.
The full body MOT: Perfect for someone looking to receive an advanced full body treatment session. During this appointment you can expect a detailed consultation where you may discuss multiple issues relating to your body. After a physical assessment you will get the opportunity to receive expert manual therapy through a combination of osteopathic technique and massage therapy as the practitioner sees fit.