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Take a voucher out to the bar

It's Friday night and you've just finished a stressful week at work. You want to relax and catch up with some friends, and what better place to do so than at a swanky bar in Bath? Having cocktails, a glass of bubbly or a different favourite drink in a Bath bar is often expensive, though, and often your bar tab is limited by your current financial situation. Using a Groupon voucher at a bar in Bath will dramatically decrease the cost of your evening, and you can focus on catching up with friends or having a hot date without worrying too much about the end of the night bill. Vouchers are so simple and easy to use in Bath, and can even be discreet to redeem.

Have more fun with bar vouchers

Check out some fabulous bars in Bath using a voucher, and with the bonus of a reduced bar tab. You can also get your friends to use vouchers at bars in Bath to save you all some money, and perhaps you could spend that money the vouchers have saved you on a slap up meal at a restaurant nearby. A voucher for a bar would also make a great present for someone, especially if you can go along with them and join in on the experience. So if you live in or are visiting Bath and love going out to the bar, what are you waiting for? Get some vouchers from Groupon today and make sure you save some money next time you go out!