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Excellent savings available today at a selection of pubs in Leicester!

You'll be quite amazed at some of the deals on offer today at a variety of the most popular pubs in Leicester on the Groupon website! There's all sorts of vouchers live right now, so you're sure to be able to find a great discount for a drink or a nice meal at a restaurant right around the corner from you. All you need to do is go online now and start searching for the best deals at any of the great Leicester pubs near you, and remember that the vouchers that will save you the most money will not last forever! So be proactive and grab the best vouchers today, so you can take your friends on a tour of the nicest pubs in Leicester!

Find the best money saving vouchers for a range of pubs in Leicester!

There are a lot of different vouchers available on the Groupon website today which are sure to find you a massive discount from one of the finest pubs in Leicester! All you need to do is go and find the vouchers that best suit your needs, whether you want to celebrate your savings with a drink or take your whole family out for a delightful restaurant experience! You'll get to choose from a great selection of the best Leicester pubs near you, so all in all you're assured nothing but great value from one of the best pubs in Leicester!