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Acupuncture Manchester

What Is Acupuncture Treatment?

Acupuncture involves the use of tiny sterile needles that are applied to specific pressure points in the body in order to lift tension, ease pain and create a balance of positive energy. Originating in China, it is one of the oldest traditional forms of medical treatment, and remains widely popular all over the world. The pressures and stresses of modern life create an imbalance in what the Chinese call "Qi" energy, and this soothing procedure serves to stimulate the healthy flow of Qi so that mental/physical well-being is restored. Despite its roots in ancient history, MedicineNet points out that it is a medically recognised form of treatment.

What Does The Acupuncture Process Involve?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, steel needles being into the body at different locations and at varying levels of intensity. Usually taking around 20-30 minutes, the procedure hits certain pressure points to allow for the release of endorphin - the natural hormone that make us feel content and helps to soothe discomfort. It is not a painful process, instead creating a tingling, numbing sensation in the body. During the session, the stimulation caused by these needles also allows the body to produce cortisone. This chemical actively reduces inflammation - which often plays a significant role in the experience of pain.

What Happens After Acupuncture?

There are no repercussions or recovery time required after a session, meaning that anyone who has undergone the process remains free to drive, attend work, or exercise without suffering any kind of health ramifications. In rare cases a degree of slight fatigue or dizziness may be experienced, and if this occurs then a few hours of rest are recommended before you proceed to engage in any activities. This is a process that is suitable for anyone, at any time, of any age, and many people often return for further sessions in order to maintain the level of good-feeling and pain relief that the procedure creates. As stated at, the frequency of sessions varies depending on each individual condition, but ordinarily patients tend to schedule one or two bookings a week until they feel healthy again.

What Are The Benefits of Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is primarily concerned with the reduction and removal of muscle pain in the neck, back and shoulders. However, the procedure's ability to ease tension means that it also poses a wide variety of benefits for other conditions such as tinnitus and digestive complaints, as well as being able to ease mental anguish that may stem from anxiety and depression. The relieving techniques of acupuncture have also been shown to be particularly effective when it comes to troubling sleep conditions such as insomnia, as demonstrated by several studies examined at A full list of conditions that this procedure can alleviate are available at Acupuncture Today.